Sunday, April 3, 2016

Noah Swart
Blog Topic
Coli-form Bacteria
Mr. Moss PHD

A lake in which Coli-form Bacteria
could be present (My picture)
  Bacteria is one of the most prevalent organisms in our environment, it’s constantly over everything we touch, eat and rest on. Like many different dangers in our environment bacteria is invisible to the human eye. Although contrary to popular public belief most bacterial organisms aren’t harmful to their hosts. In fact numerous bacteria actually aids in the natural circles of life, such as the decomposing of dead organisms. Without certain bacteria’s our bodies wouldn’t be able to work in a perfect sync. Coli-form Bacteria is one of these really important bacteria’s.

  Often called Total Coli-form Bacteria, is a microorganism that is abundant all around the world. Including the dirt we walk on, the cold blooded animals that slither, and warm blooded creatures such as ourselves. Coli-form is one of the key components to breaking up the food that we eat, so it is usually prevalent in the digestion system. Although not all forms of Coli-form are as beneficial as that in our bodies, such in the case of Fecal Coli-form Bacteria which due to an excess amount of heat in warm blooded creatures waste it allows with the buildup of other harmful bacteria to make themselves present. 

An Old Well - Probably used for safe
drinking water. (My picture)

  You can come in contact with all forms of Coli-form Bacteria through ingestion of water that’s run through soil, or even by drinking small amounts of open natural water sources, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. Although coming in contact doesn’t always mean you’ll become ill from it but such in the case of Fecal Coli-form if its present that usually is an indicator that other dangerous bacteria’s are nearby.

  What are ways to prevent contamination with this bacteria? The answer is quite simple and something that humans were able to solve in the early days of civilization, drink from wells or other clean water sources that aren’t exposed to such bacteria’s. Wells uses water that is deep under the earth and thus has no contact with above ground soil or animal waste to create a contamination.  Of course there are other numerous methods to purify your water, if it be through boiling methods or chemically. You just always have to be aware of the dangers one can face. 

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